Meet The Team

The club runs with a team of fantastic volunteers who give up their free time to plan, manage and support the activities at the club. Without them the club wouldn’t exist.

Club Committee

Chairman: Michael Broadley Vice Chair: Simon Beals
Secretary: Andy Duxbury Treasurer: TBC
Child Welfare Officer: Ed Grainger Adult Rep: Kevin Lewis
 Parent Rep: Benj Street

Coaches 2023-2024 Season

School Year Head Coaches Coaches
Rec, Year 1 – 2 Chris York
Year 3 Ben Murray
Year 4 Sam Youngs & John Olaleye
Year 5 Tim Harper & David Garvin
Rob Cook, Stuart Milne, Gabor Taller,  Sam Bullen & Nick Barker
Year 6 Russell Levenston, Jonathan Simons & Lee Hall
Year 7 Brendan Crennan & Stu Taylor Karl Robinson, Jonathan Mitchell & Stephen Willmor
Year 8 Paul Andrews, Ben Wing &Daniel Pilling Andy Lipman & Simon Slater
Year 9 Andy Duxbury, Simon Beals & Lee Dawson Andy Downs, Martin Roulston & Simon Tyler
Year 10 Andy Dawson Neil Garvey, Alex Kinley & Peter Kinnell
Year 11 Mark Powell & Rob Brooks Allan Fisher
Year 12 Jay Hawker Jon Hawker & Andy Harland